Dandelion Radio
Dandelion Radio
Dandelion Radio
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Dandelion Radio's Festive 50 results
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fully licenced with:
PRS For Music - Performing Right Society PPL - Phonographic Performance Limited
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Now Playing: Sean Hocking
La Nuit Je Mens - Les Nuits Magnétiques

'Broadcast One' - Dandelion Radio's 1st compilation album

9 shows this month including Sean Hocking Remembering DJ Alfredo

Matt Gunn - DJ

On My Show - Contact Me - Sessions - Biography - My Tracklistings

Matt Gunn There is no show from Matt Gunn this month

MySpace: www.myspace.com/matt.evil

My previous session guests:

Artist Broadcast
Beat Frequency 02/2011
Burgy Rocks 02/2011
The Electric Riot 02/2011
Burnt Cross 12/2010

Firstly, I spent my youth listening to (and taping) John Peel, so its a pleasure to be part of Dandelion. I was born in Rotherham and spent my teens in sunny Doncaster, moved down south at the age of 17 which now makes me a crossbreed. Apart from my unhealthy interest in independent music I also have a soft spot for old synths, drum machines, valve gear and a bit of vinyl. I run a netlabel that releases odd and driving electronic music called Yeah! and have released my own material as Toffeetronic on the WLM, Toffeetones and Yeah! labels.
I want to hear your demos: make contact & send web links to:

Tracklistings and listen again to the previous shows:

2011Feb - Jan Festive 50
2010Dec - Festive Fifty Build Up Show - Nov