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Artist Info

Pale Kids

Pale Kids
Image from Discogs
Powered by Audioscrobbler™Pale Kids was a post-hardcore band from Halden/Sarpsborg, Norway.

Pale Kids were formed in Halden shortly after new year in 1998. The members were Frode Neeb (Bass, vocals), Kim Andersen (Drums) and Thomas Eriksen (Guitar). After a couple of years of rehersaling in Frode's basement and a handfull of gigs around the local area they finally gave the job of second guitarist to Mads Golden in 2000.

In the period 2000-2003 they recorded many self produced demos that never really got a circulation, but by 2003 Mads had made friends with Norways Ole Idole who own a recording studio (Hitsville Studios) that is used by the top artists of the country. By this time Thomas had taken the job as thelead singer cos' he had a voice that was more prepherable for the amercan-genre the band played. Pale Kids recorded 8 tracks for the album called "God please save us from your followers" and they printed a bunch of CD's that they now sold at their concerts and in some various stores. Mid-through 2004 Pale Kids came to a holt, and a long unexpected break followed witch would almost last a half year.

But during the winter that same year they regrouped and startet writing new songs in the genre "emo/hardcore/screamo" witch were the hottest in the rock scene at that point. They then again went into Hitsville Studios and started recording their next EP wich was entitled "It Will Grow On You". Samples of the EP was posted on the net at various websites, and there only was good and positive responses from people that heard the songs. During the summer of 2005 Jonas Widlund replaced Mads' place in the band, and Mads continues with his other band All Friday.

Pale Kids has always been a americanized band and Norway has not been infected by the american-genre yet in mass numbers. The band has had 3 TV appearances since 1999 when they were filmed for the show called "Midt I Smryet", 2003 for "Lydverket" and 2005 for the show "Mess TV".

Rest of the bio is in Norwegian:
Pale Kids ble dannet på slutten av 90-tallet og består av 4 gutter fra Halden. Dagens besetning består av Thomas Eriksen, Frode Neeb, Kim Andersen og Andreas Joelsen. Siden bandet startet opp 1998 har de vært innom både punk, pop-punk, rock, emo, post-hardcore, hardcore og metal, men spiller i dag en blanding av rock/metal.

Høsten 2006 slapp bandet debut-epen, It Will Grow On You, på deres egen label, med distrubusjon igjennom Indie Distribution. Bandet laget en musikkvideo til låten "The Reality of Ignorance", som ble hyppig spilt på blant annet NRK Jukebox. Dette resulterte i at gutta ble invitert til å delta i sendingen til VG-lista Topp 20, hvor musikken deres ble presentert for et enda større publikum. I februar 2007 spilte bandet bransjefestivalen By:Larm, hvor Dagbladet kastet terningkast 4 for deres opptreden. Sommeren det samme året gjestet gutta hovedscenen på den nyoppstartede Hove Festivalen, hvor de blant annet delte scene med My Chemical Romance (US) og Billy Talent (CA). På det tidspunktet hadde bandet i overkant av seks tusen avspillinger daglig av deres låter på myspace, og har i dag rundet utrolige 400 000 avspillinger. Bandet har også delt scene med flere andre band.. bl. annet The Cumshots, Dead By April, Kid Down, Adept, Chemical Vocation og HerBrightSkies.

I tillegg har Pale Kids tidligere spilt på både Norwegian (under)Wood (2006), Øya Festivalen (2007) og Club:Larm (2008).
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