Dandelion Radio
Dandelion Radio
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PRS For Music - Performing Right Society PPL - Phonographic Performance Limited
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'Broadcast One' - Dandelion Radio's 1st compilation album

9 shows this month including Sean Hocking Remembering DJ Alfredo

Artist Info


IvatuData provided by DiscogsIVATU (official capitalization) is a darkwave/trip-hop band from Moscow, Russia.

Composed of Eava Tuevskaya (vocals and keys), Anton Fish (acoustic guitar, drums and synths) and Pavel Nikolskiy (guitar, bass and mixing) and formed in Moscow in 2016 (actually changed name from White Slaver to IVATU on November 4, 2016).

In 2021 Eava Tuevskaya together with Anton Fish formed her new solo project Ива (4), later in 2021 joined by Georgiy Chernyaev (cello), and then by Leena Hertz (keyboards) and Pavel Nikolskiy (bass, sound) (also from IVATU).
Artist biography from Discogs

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